TRACK 1 NAME << >> Save

SDR 24/96

To record:

1. Arm one or more tracks.


2. Press RECORD and PLAY at the same time. Record can be activated during Stop or Play. If One Button Record is enabled, Record can be activated during play just by pressing the RECORD button.

3. Press any transport button other than RECORD to stop recording.

The Record LED glows when the SDR24/96 is recording and blinks when RECORD is engaged with no tracks armed (master record standby mode).

Post-record processing time: After a record pass, the SDR takes a few moments to process the recording that has just taken place and update the project file. The longer the recording, the longer this processing time takes. For full 24-track recording that lasts for eight or ten minutes, the post-processing time could take up to a minute. During this time, the STOP LED blinks and all transport functions are disabled.

Track Options

Each of the 24 tracks on the SDR24/96 has 8 virtual tracks associated with it. Virtual tracks are used to record multiple takes, so you can compare the takes and decide which one to keep. Only one virtual track can be active at at time. You can give a unique name to each track to help you remember what is recorded on each track. You can also mute individual tracks.



The Track Mute menu (TRACK:Mute)


toggles muting for each track. When


a track is muted, its corresponding


meter is also muted (no indication).



Use the Page Right button to page through the various tracks, and use the SELECT buttons to toggle the mute for each track. An asterisk (*) indicates the track is muted.


TRACKMUTE(*=Muted)> 1-2-3-4-


SDR 24/96


Virtual Track

The Virtual Track menu (TRACK:Virtual) lets



you select the active virtual track for each track.

1=V1 2=V1 3=V14=V1




Use the Page Right button to page through the various tracks, and use the SELECT buttons to increment the virtual track number, which wraps around from 8 to 1.

Track Name

The Track Name menu (TRACK:Name)

allows you to enter a unique name for each> track. Audio files are named after the track

name. Select a track by using the <</>>

buttons to scroll through the 24 tracks. The default name assigned to each track is Track 1, Track 2, etc.

To give a track a new name, press the Page



Bobbie's Lead



>> Inc Dec


button. A blinking cursor appears

over the first character of the name of the selected track. Use the increment (Inc) and decrement (Dec) buttons to change the highlighted character. It scrolls through a modified ASCII character set. Use the >> button to move to the next character.

Press the Page Left button when finished, and then select Save.