4.0 Server Software Installation
A small server program, called HomePod Audio Server, must be installed on each computer that contains audio files that you want to play through the HomePod. Use the HomePod CD and follow instructions below to complete the software installation.
4.1 Windows Installation
On the PC, insert the HomePod CD and run the HomePod Audio
HomePod CD Content for PC
HomePod Audio Server is based on Java. For Windows PC’s (98/Me/2000/XP), the installer will alert you to install or upgrade Java (JRE) if you haven’t already.
Message alerting JRE installation
Click Yes to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) into your PC. The process may take a few moments. Let it run to completion without interrupting the process. If your PC already has Java installed and you don’t want to upgrade to the latest version, then click No.
When the installation is complete, you will see a new C:\Program Files\HomePod\Audio Server\ directory as shown below and a new entry in Start