To set the network mode, click on the appropriate button.

In the ad-hoc mode, the Channel defines the frequency at which HomePod will communicate with the other ad-hoc device, in this case another computer. Both the HomePod and the other computer must operate in the same network name and channel. The channel field is not used if the network mode is set at infrastructure.

To set the channel, pull down the list and select a channel from 1 through 14.

If the access point has WEP Encryption turned on, then HomePods needs to be set with the same encryption parameters, and also have the matching key.

To turn on WEP encryption on the HomePod, select the Enable button and click either the 64-bit or 128-bit option. Enter the WEP key in hex in its respective field, Key 1 through 4; normally only Key 1 is used. If the WEP Encryption is 64 bit, the hex key requires 10 characters. If the WEP Encryption is 128 bit, the Hex key requires 26 characters. A hex key is a continuous stream of hex characters (0-9, A-F) without hyphen or space between them.

Note: For WEP encryption, set the base station or access point to use the “Share Key” mode.

After saving the changes, you must restao(h Tc 0.802 Tw [ -9.7(o)1.6(r)-he net)11.7