5.0 Audio Server Control and Configuration

To launch the Windows HomePod Audio Server configuration program, double-click on the HomePod Audio Server icon or select Start->Programs-> HomePod->Audio Server->HomePod Audio Server.

HomePod Audio Server configuration for Windows

To start the HomePod Audio Server program on the Mac, go to the Applications menu and double-click on the HomePod Audio Server icon.

HomePod Audio Server configuration for Mac

Note: The HomePod Audio Server program for PC and Mac are identical in function and user interface, so screen shots will be used interchangeably in this manual.

The HomePod Audio Server Configuration application allows you to set up and control your audio collection. From this application, you can define the audio content to be shared, name your audio collection, and start or stop the server. Once your audio server is configured and started, your library will recognized by the HomePod.

The window is divided into three frames. The icons in the left side frame can be selected to view different configuration settings in the right side frame. The bottom frame contains help information for each configuration option. Closing the application will minimize the window to the task tray. You can double-click on the tray icon to open the configuration window again.