Documents\My Music\ directory, or any folder or sub-folder with your audio files that you'd like to make available to the HomePod. When all configurations are done, press the "Start" button to activate the Audio Server. To stop the audio server, click the Stop button.

9.2 HomePod Audio Server in Shell Command

HomePod Audio Server is also available as a GUI-less command line that you can run from a command terminal. The advantage of having such a version is the ability to host a HomePod Audio Server in professional and residential Linux media servers with no attached monitor, and remotely managed by Macs and PCs. To get this version of the HomePod Audio Server, please write to Tech Support.

9.3 Remote Control Utility in Java

A Java remote control utility is provided that allows you to control one or multiple HomePods from your Mac/PC. You can control everything that you can do on the HomePod unit itself. The Java remote control utility is handy when you’re far away from the HomePod and you’d like to centrally control the HomePod all at once. The Java remote control utility is named “pdaremote.jar” and is located in the HomePod CD->Extras->HomePod Audio Java Server directory.

Double click the pdaremote.jar icon to launch the remote control. Once opened, you’ll be presented with a window below.