Language (cont’d) 41
5 Press o or p to select a language, then press OK. The language lists may continue on multiple screens. Press o or p to move to the other screens.
●If you select OTHER for AUDIO, SUBTITLE, or DISC MENU, press four Number buttons to enter the code for the language you desire. Use one of the Language Codes listed below. The language or lan- guage code you select will appear in the Language menu beside AUDIO, SUBTITLE, or DISC MENU.
| SKIP |
Please enter a |
OK |
● You can select other languages for AUDIO, | 6 |
SUBTITLE, and DISC MENU only if the language is | |
available on the Disc. If the language you select is not |
recorded on the DVD, changing these settings will have no effect.
6 Press SETUP to remove the menu.
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 |
0 | +10 | MODE | |
| ||
| ZOOM |
| OK |
Language Codes
| English | 5160 | Kannada | 5760 | Panjabi | 6247 | T |
| |
Abkhazian | 4748 | Esperanto | 5161 | Kashmiri | 5765 | Pashto | 6265 | Tagalog | 6658 |
Afar | 4747 | Estonian | 5166 | Kazakh | 5757 | Persian | 5247 | Tajik | 6653 |
Afrikaans | 4752 |
| Kinyarwanda | 6469 | Polish | 6258 | Tamil | 6647 | |
Albanian | 6563 | Faroese | 5261 | Kirghiz | 5771 | Portuguese | 6266 | Tatar | 6666 |
Amharic | 4759 | Fiji | 5256 | Kirundi | 6460 | Pushto | 6265 | Telugu | 6651 |
Arabic | 4764 | Finnish | 5255 | Korean | 5761 | Quechua | 6367 | Thai | 6654 |
Armenian | 5471 | French | 5264 | Kurdish | 5767 | Tibetan | 4861 | ||
Assamese | 4765 | Frisian | 5271 |
| Romanian | 6461 | Tigrinya | 6655 | |
Aymara | 4771 | Gaelic (Scots) 5350 | Laothian | 5861 | Russian | 6467 | Tonga | 6661 | |
Azerbaijani | 4772 | Galician | 5358 | Latin | 5847 | S |
| Tsonga | 6665 |
Bangla | 4860 | Georgian | 5747 | Latvian | 5868 |
| Turkish | 6664 | |
Bashkir | 4847 | German | 5051 | Lettish | 5868 | Samoan | 6559 | Turkmen | 6657 |
Basque | 5167 | Greek | 5158 | Lingala | 5860 | Sangho | 6553 | Twi | 6669 |
Bengali | 4860 | Greenlandic | 5758 | Lithuanian | 5866 | Sanskrit | 6547 |
| |
Bhutani | 5072 | Guarani | 5360 | Macedonian | 5957 | Serbian | 6564 | Ukrainian | 6757 |
Bihari | 4854 | Gujarati | 5367 | Malagasy | 5953 | Urdu | 6764 | ||
Bislama | 4855 | Hausa | 5447 | Malay | 5965 |
| 6554 | Uzbek | 6772 |
Breton | 4864 | Hebrew | 5569 | Malayalam | 5958 | Sesotho | 6566 | Vietnamese | 6855 |
Bulgarian | 4853 | Hindi | 5455 | Maltese | 5966 | Setswana | 6660 | Volapuk | 6861 |
Burmese | 5971 | Hungarian | 5467 | Maori | 5955 | Shona | 6560 | Welsh | 4971 |
Byelorussian | 4851 |
| Marathi | 5964 | Sindhi | 6550 | Wolof | 6961 | |
| Icelandic | 5565 | Moldavian | 5961 | Singhalese | 6555 | Xhosa | 7054 | |
Cambodian | 5759 | Indonesian | 5560 | Mongolian | 5960 | Siswat | 6565 | Yiddish | 5655 |
Catalan | 4947 | Interlingua | 5547 | Nauru | 6047 | Slovak | 6557 | Yoruba | 7161 |
Chinese | 7254 | Interlingue | 5551 | Nepali | 6051 | Slovenian | 6558 | Zulu | 7267 |
Corsican | 4961 | Inupiak | 5557 | Norwegian | 6061 | Somali | 6561 |
Croatian | 5464 | Irish | 5347 |
| Spanish | 5165 |
| |
Czech | 4965 | Italian | 5566 | Occitan | 6149 | Sundanese | 6567 |
Danish | 5047 | Japanese | 5647 | Oriya | 6164 | Swahili | 6569 |
Dutch | 6058 | Javanese | 5669 | Oromo (Afan)6159 | Swedish | 6568 |