Manhattan Computer Products Plaza HDR-S 500GB manual Pausing Live TV

Models: Plaza HDR-S 500GB

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PAUSING LIVE TV (continued)

When you want to continue watching TV, press again to restart

your viewing from where you left off. You can now press or to skip any parts of the programme that do not interest you,

to catch up with the live programme, and/or press or to review any sections of the programme again.

Each time that you press the or button, the rewind or fast forward speed increases – to 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x and 64x normal speed. If you press the or button while the programme is paused, it will advance or rewind in slow motion, changing to 1/8x, 1/4x, 1/2x normal speed with each press.

HINT: As well as the pause time, the pause counter at the top left ofthescreenshowsthecurrentplaybackmode–paused,play,fast forward, etc – and the current speed of rewind or fast forward.

Pressing the or buttons skips forwards or backwards through the paused programme. You can set the length of the skip from 10 to 60 seconds in the “Record” section of the Setup menu (see the Advanced Use section). The default is to skip forwards 30 seconds and backwards 10 seconds, which makes it easy to skip adverts. Press while watching a paused programme to return to watching live TV.

You can also rewind live TV without first pausing it, by pressing

the button and then pressing when you have reached the part of the programme that you want to see again. You can only rewind as far back as the last channel change or to the limit of the live pause length. A thin red line on the progress bar shows how far back you can rewind the programme.

HINT:You can set the limit of the live pause length up to two hours (see the Advanced Use section).

HINT: When you change channel, the continuously stored broadcast is deleted, so you cannot rewind to watch either the old channel or the new channel, before the channel change took place.


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Manhattan Computer Products Plaza HDR-S 500GB manual Pausing Live TV