CS-IIis packed with other useful feature like dialog clarity (SRS Dialog) for movies and cinema-like bass enrichment (TruBass). CS-IIcan enable the dialog to become clearer and more discernable in movies and it enables the bass frequencies contained in the original programming to more closely achieve low frequencies – overcoming the low frequency limitations of the speakers by full octave.

Circle Surround II, Dialog Clarity, TruBass, SRS

and ROOM AROOM B symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.

Circle Surround II, Dialog Clarity and TruBass technology are incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.

HDCD® (High Definition Compatible Digital ®) is a patented process for delivering on Compact Disc the full richness and details of the original microphone feed.

HDCD encoded CDs sound better because they a r e e n c o d e d w i t h 2 0 - b i t s o f r e a l m u s i c a l information as compared to 16-bits for all other CDs.

HDCD overcomes the limitation of the 16-bit CD format by using a sophisticated system to encode the additional four bits onto the CD while remaining completely compatible with the CD format.

When listening to HDCD recordings, you hear more dynamic range, a focused 3-D sound stage, and extremely natural vocal and musical timbre. With HDCD, you get the body, depth and emotion of the original performance not a flat, digital imitation.

HDCD system manufactured under license from




By simply plugging the power cables of the ZR6001 and ZC4001 into ordinary home electrical outlets, the ZR6001 sends audio sources over your home electrical


line for playback by the ZC4001.






The ZR6001* converts analog audio signals into noncompressed linear PCM digital signals, modulates them into high frequency signals, and sends them over power lines. The ZC4001 demodulates the sent signals and converts them back to analog signals.

*If the condition of the power line degenerates because of the effects of noise from other devices or for other reasons, the ZR6001 uses an audio format of different sampling rate and data bit length.



Home power line

Microsoft. This product is covered by one or more of the following: In the United States 5,479,168 5,638,074 5,640,161 5,808,574 5,838,274 5,854,600 5,864,311 5,872,531 and in Australia 669,114 with other patents pending.






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Image 6
Marantz ZR6001 manual Features, English, Room A, Room B, Room C