MartinLogan MAC 500/E W e r i n g t h e f i x t u r e, G g i n g, Wire Pin Marking Screw US

Models: MAC 500/E

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6.Before turning the lamp on, reset the RLAH and RLST counters. See “Readouts” on page 14.

P o w e r i n g t h e f i x t u r e

W A R N I N G !

For protection from dangerous electric shock, the fixture must be grounded (earthed). The AC mains supply shall be fitted with a fuse or circuit breaker and ground-fault protection.

C h e c k v o l t a g e a n d f r e q u e n c y s e t t i n g s

7KH￿YROWDJH￿DQG￿IUHTXHQF\￿VHWWLQJV￿PXVW￿PDWFK￿WKH￿ORFDO￿$&￿SRZHU￿VXSSO\￿ Operating at the incorrect setting can result in poor light output, shortened lamp life, overheating and damage to the fixture. The settings are printed on the serial number label on the bottom of the base: if the voltage does not match the local supply or the frequency (50/ 60 Hz) is different, then the ballast and/or transformer must be rewired as described on page 22.

I n s t a l l a p l u g o n t h e p o w e r c o r d

You may need to install a cord cap that fits your supply on the power cable. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, install an approved 3-prong grounding-type plug that fits your supply. Connect the wires to the pins as listed below. The table shows some possible pin identification schemes; if the pins are not clearly identified, or if you have any doubts about proper installation, consult a qualified electrician.￿




Screw (US)














yellow or brass















































When ready to operate, connect the MAC 500/E directly to AC power.￿'R￿QRW￿FRQQHFW￿LW￿WR￿D￿GLPPHU￿V\VWHP￿￿GRLQJ￿VR PD\￿GDPDJH￿WKH￿IL[WXUH￿ To apply power, set the power switch on the base to the “I” position.

R i g g i n g

W A R N I N G !

Use 2 clamps to rig the fixture. Lock each clamp with both fasteners. The 1/4-turn fasteners are locked only when turned fully clockwise.

Attach an approved safety cable to the base.

The MAC 500/E can be placed directly on the stage floor or rigged in any orientation on a truss. The integrated Fast- Lock system enables quick and easy fastening of the clamp adapters in 4 different positions as shown below. See page 35 for a list of suitable clamps available from Martin.

1.Verify that the rigging clamps (not included) are undamaged and can bear at least 10 times the weight of the fixture. Bolt the clamps securely to the clamp brackets with a grade 8.8 (minimum) M12 bolt and lock nut, or as recommended by the clamp manufacturer.

2.Tip the MAC 500/E on its side or install the clamps while the fixture is in the flight case.

3.Align a clamp with 2 mounting points. Insert the fasteners into the base and turn both levers a full 1/4-turn clockwise to lock. Install the second clamp.

4.Verify that the structure can bear at least 10 times the weight of all installed fixtures, clamps, cables, auxiliary equipment, etc.


MAC 500/E User Manual

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MartinLogan MAC 500/E user manual W e r i n g t h e f i x t u r e, G g i n g, Install a p l u g o n t h e p o w e r c o r d