Statistics provides basic statistical data about Autostar, including:
■Characters Free: Shows how much room is available in
■Version: Shows the current version of the Autostar software.
Reset completely resets Autostar. Most values entered into the menus revert to fac- tory defaults. Autostar requires initialization after a Reset before proceeding with observations. See INITIALIZING AUTOSTAR, page 19.
Surf the Web
One of the most exciting resources for astronomy is the internet. The internet is full of websites with new images, discoveries, and the latest astronomical information. For example, when comet
You can find websites for almost any topic relating to astronomy on the internet. Try the following key word searches: NASA, Hubble, HST, astronomy, Messier, satellite, nebula, black hole, variable stars, etc.
Check out Meade’s website for the latest product and technical information. You can download the latest software revisions, links to other astronomical sites, coordinates of celestial objects and the latest satellite tracking information for your Autostar handset. See page 34 for more information. You’ll find our website at:
Here are some other sites you might find interesting:
•Sky & Telescope: http://www.Skyand Telescope.com
•Astronomy: http://www.astronomy.com
•The Starfield: http://users.nac.net/gburke/
•Astronomy Picture of the Day: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.goc/apod
•Heavens Above (satellite observing information):
•Photographic Atlas of the Moon: http://www.lpi.ursa.edu/research/lunar_orbiter
•Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/pictures.html