Mosquitoes have been described as the most dangerous creatures on Earth.
Aedes mosquitoes may carry yellow fever and dengue fever. Culex mosquitoes may carry several strains of encephalitis (including St. Louis Encephalitis, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus), and Anopheles mosquitoes may carry malaria.
Male mosquitoes do not bite. The real risk is from female mosquitoes which bite when in search of blood to provide protein for their eggs.
Scientific research over the past 50 years has shown that female mosquitoes find their prey using a combination of sensory cues including light, shape, color, heat, vibration, sweat and other
Using that research and with the benefit of extensive field testing (including tests by the United States Department of Agriculture in Gainesville, Florida),
Features of Mega-Catch™ PREMIER Mosquito Trap
(NOTE: when operating the PREMIER Trap indoors, remove the
The PREMIER can operate unattended for long periods. It can be programmed to start and stop according to peak mosquito activity in your area. It features an electronically controlled diode lighting system that produces intermittent light at oscillating frequencies selected to coincide with spectral sensitivity peaks for many mosquito species. It also features a
Mosquitoes attracted to the PREMIER by visual and other cues seek to land on and probe specially designed surfaces and enter the Trap where they are collected in the Catch Bag or Liquid Catch Container.