Problem solving guide
Problem | Possible cause | Remedy |
The drying process | Important: Before attempting to remedy one of the fol- | |
goes on too long or | lowing causes, switch the dryer off and switch on | |
even switches off. | again to start the programme again. | |
| Ventilation to the dryer is | Open a door or window |
| insufficient (e.g because it | while the machine is in op- |
| is installed in a room | eration for increased air |
| which is too small). | flow. |
| The laundry was not suffi- | Make sure that your laun- |
| ciently spun. | dry is thoroughly spun be- |
| fore drying. |
| The tumble dryer has | Do not exceed the maxi- |
| been overloaded. | mum load for the |
| programme selected. |
| Metallic components, e.g. | In future select a Timed |
| zips have prevented the | drying programme for |
| dryer from registering the | these garments. |
| correct moisture level in |
| the laundry. |
| The fluff filter may be | Clean the fluff filter. |
| blocked. |
| The vent ducting or the | – Check all parts of the |
| ventilation outlet is | extraction system on a |
| blocked. | regular basis (e.g. wall |
| vent, external grille, |
| bends in the ducting |
| etc.) and make sure |
| they are all free of any |
| hindrance. |
| – Remove any fluff. |