2-2-3 Connecting to the Internet using a proxy server (Using an existing LAN) If the PC you use for monitoring air conditioners and performing operations is go ing to ac cess the Internet v ia
proxy server by connecting to an existing LAN such as a L AN withi n your com pan y, use the pr ocedure given
below to set the web browser environment settings.
By performing these settings, your PC will connect to a prox y server only when connecting to the Internet.
(1) Click the web browser menu item [Tools] and then click [Internet
Options…] to select that option.
(2) In the [Internet Options] tabbed dialog, click the [Connections] tab t o
display that page.
(3) Select [Never dial a connection] in the Dial-up setting s ection.
(4) Click the [LAN Setting . . .] button in the Local Area Network (LAN)
settings section to display the Local Area Network ( LAN) Settings
(5) In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog, ch ec k [Bypass proxy
server for local addresses] and click the [Advanced...] butto n.
(6) Enter the IP address for the AG-150A (e.g. 192.168.1 .1) in the
Exceptions field of the Proxy Setting dialog and click the [OK] button to
close the dialog and then close the other open dialogs to complete the
Note: If connecting to more than one AG-150A, you can specify multiple IP
addresses like [;], however, it is also possible to use
the asterisk (*) and specify [192.168.1*].