(4) If the security alert has not been disabled, after entering the web addr ess and hitting the Enter (Return) key,
a security alert message will alert asking if you want to proceed . T his is because the AG-150A uses the
self-authentication system. Click [Yes] and proceed.
Note: Disable the security alert that appears every time the browser is opened, take the following two steps:
1) Register the security certificate and
2) Change the Web browser's option settings
To register the security certificate, click the [View Certificate] button on the security alert window to display the certificate,
click on the [Install Certificate] button, and add the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Just follow the
prompts of the Import Wizard.
Go to [Tools]->[Internet Options]->[Advanced], and make the following
settings for the Web browser.
Item Checkbox setting
Warn about invalid site certificates Uncheck the box.
(5) A Java security alert message will appear after you click [Yes] in
step (4) above, click [Yes] again to proceed.
Note: To disable the security alert message that appears every time the
browser is opened, check the check box next to [Always trust content
from this publisher], and click [Yes]. The browser may need to be
restarted to reflect the change.
Note: If the window shown on the right does not appear and connection fails,
the certificate needs to be added to the Java certificate list. Click the
[View Certificate] button on the screen in step (4) to display the
certificate, click on the [Copy to File] on the [Details] page, and save the
certificate in any desired location in the DER format. Open [Java] in the Control Panel, click on the [Certificates] button on
the [Security] page to bring up the certificate registration screen. On the screen, select [Secure Site], click on the [Import]
button, change the File of type to [All Files], and select the saved certificate. Now the certificate has been added to the Java
certificate list.
(6) If a connection is successfully made, the login win dow will appear.
All communication with the AG-150A will be enc rypted. The Web
addresses for general users and in each language will have the
web address in the previous section with "http" changed to "https".