10 - 14 Symbol MiniScan MSXX07 Series Integration Guide
Programmable Raster Height and Raster Expansion SpeedIf you enabled Programmable Raster or Always Raster, this parameter selects the laser pattern’s height and rate of
expansion. This parameter is intended for very specific applications, and is usually not necessary.
To select the laser pattern’s height and/or rate of expansion:
1. Scan the bar code for either Raster Height or Raster Expansion Speed below.
2. Scan two numeric bar codes beginning on page 10-93 that represent a two-digit value. Valid values are
between 01 and 15.
To change the selection or to cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code on page 10-95.
NOTE Only the Symbol MS2207, MS2207VHD, and MS3207 support these options.
Raster Height (Default 15)
Raster Expansion Speed (Default 11)