Glossary - 6 Symbol MiniScan MSXX07 Series Integration Guide

Hz. Hertz; A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
IEC. International Electrotechnical Commission. This international agency regulates laser safety by specifying various laser
operation classes based on power output during operation.
IEC (825) Class 1. This is the lowest power IEC laser classification. IEC Class 1 devices are safe under reasonably
foreseeable conditions of operation. Software and other controls to limit exposure to laser light may be required to
achieve IEC Class 1 operation. The IEC time base for Class 1 devices is 100 seconds if intentional viewing of laser light
is not required in the design or function of the device. The IEC time base for Class 1 devices is 30,000 seconds where
intentional viewing of laser light is inherent in the design or function of the device.
Input/Output Ports. I/O ports are primarily dedicated to passing information into or out of the terminal memory. Series 9000
mobile computers include Serial and USB ports.
Intercharacter Gap. The space between two adjacent bar code characters in a discrete code.
Interleaved 2 of 5. A binary bar code symbology representing character pairs in groups of five bars and five interleaved
spaces. Interleaving provides for greater information density. The location of wide elements (bar/spaces) within each
group determines which characters are encoded. This continuous code type uses no intercharacter spaces. Only
numeric (0 to 9) and START/STOP characters may be encoded.
Interleaved Bar Code. A bar code in which characters are paired together, using bars to represent the first character and
the intervening spaces to represent the second.
I/O Ports. interface The connection between two devices, defined by common physical characteristics, signal
characteristics, and signal meanings. Types of interfaces include RS-232 and PCMCIA.
Key. A key is the specific code used by the algorithm to encrypt or decrypt the data. Also see, Encryption and Decrypting.
LASER. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.The laser is an intense light source. Light from a laser is
all the same frequency, unlike the output of an incandescent bulb. Laser light is typically coherent and has a high energy
Laser Diode. A gallium-arsenide semiconductor type of laser connected to a power source to generate a laser beam. This
laser type is a compact source of coherent light.
Laser Scanner. An optical bar code reading device using a coherent laser light beam as its source of illumination.
LCD. See Liquid Crystal Display.