Parameter Menus 10 - 15
Timeout Between DecodesTimeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol
When in Continuous triggering mode, this parameter sets the minimum duration of not decoding data before the
scanner decodes a second bar code identical to one just decoded. This reduces the risk of accidentally scanning
the same symbol twice. It is programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The recommended
interval is 0.6 seconds
Timeout Between Decodes, Different Symbol
This option sets the minimum duration of not decoding data before the scanner decodes a second (different) bar
code. Use this in Continuous mode to prevent the scanner from decoding when a different symbol appears in the
scanner's field of view before the timeout period between decodes expires. This is programmable in 0.1 second
increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The recommended value is 0.0 seconds.
Select the timeout between decodes for the same or different symbols.
1. Scan the option bar code to set.
2. Scan two numeric bar codes beginning on page 10-93 which correspond to the desired interval, in 0.1 second
To change the selection or to cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code on page 10-95.
Timeout Between Decodes -
Same Symbol
Timeout Between Decodes -
Different Symbols