2 - 14 Symbol MiniScan MSXX07 Series Integration Guide

Embedded Window Angle and Position

If a window is placed between the MiniScan and the item to scan, observe the following guidelines:
Window Clear Opening - Make the clear opening of the window large enough so that the entire scan beam
passes through the window. Cutting off any part of the beam can result in internal reflections and degrade
decode range performance. Ensure that window placement relative to the MiniScan accounts for tolerances
on all parts involved in that assembly.
Window Angle - Angle the window at least 2o more than the tilt of the window on the scanner (see Tabl e
2-4). Further tilting the window is acceptable and decreases the possibility of a secondary reflection from that
window degrading the scanner's performance.
Optical Working Range - Adding a window can reduce the working range of the scanner since there is a
signal loss when passing through window material. To minimize this reduction, use a special coating
described in Window Coatings on page 2-13. To understand the difference, test the scanner in the desired
orientation and see if the difference affects scanner performance.
Table 2-3
Window Manufacturers and Coaters
Company Discipline Specifics
Evaporated Coatings, Inc.
2365 Maryland Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
(215) 659-3080
Anti-reflection coater Acrylic window supplier
Anti-reflection coater
Fosta-Tek Optics, Inc.
320 Hamilton Street
Leominster, MA 01453
(978) 534-6511
Cell-caster, hard coater, laser
cutter CR39 exit window manufacturer
Glasflex Corporation
4 Sterling Road
Sterling, NJ 07980
(908) 647-4100
Cell-caster Acrylic exit window manufacturer
Optical Polymers Int. (OPI)
110 West Main Street
Milford, CT 06460
CR-39 cell-caster, coater, laser
cutter CR39 exit window manufacturer
70 Carlisle Place
Stamford, CT 06902
acrylic cell-caster, hard coater,
laser cutter Acrylic exit window manufacturer
2009 Glen Parkway
Batavia, OH 45103
acrylic cell-caster, coater, laser
cutter Acrylic exit window manufacturer