Scanning 3 - 3

Symbol MS3207 Scan Patterns
The Symbol MS3207 generates four scan patterns based on the software command received at the interface.
These patterns are Smart Raster, Semi-omnidirectional, Omnidirectional, and High Density Single Scan Line. Use
the raster pattern to read 1D bar codes and PDF417 symbols. The omnidirectional pattern reads 1D bar codes in
an omnidirectional manner.

Smart Raster Scan Pattern

The Symbol MS3207 can create a single line which opens vertically to read PDF417 symbols using the Smart
Raster feature. This feature autodetects the type of bar code being scanned and adjusts its pattern accordingly,
providing optimal performance on 1D, PDF417, GS1 DataBar, and Composite codes.
Figure 3-4
Raster Scan Pattern

Semi-omnidirectional Scan Pattern

The semi-omnidirectional pattern is an alternative to the full omnidirectional pattern that scans highly truncated 1D
and GS1 DataBar codes. Present bar codes horizontally with no more than a 20o tilt.
Figure 3-5
Semi-omnidirectional Scan Pattern
Stage 1: “Slab” Raster Pattern
Stage 2: Open Raster Pattern