Symbol MS3207 Specifications 8 - 3
7 CTS/D- I/O RS-232 Mode: Clear-to-send handshaking input line, used only in
conjunction with the RTS line. Optionally used by another device to
signal the scanner to begin transmitting data.
USB Mode: D- signal. During USB operation this signal works in
conjunction with the D+ signal as a differential bi-directional signal.
8 RTS/SYN_DAT I/O RS-232 Mode: Request-to-send handshaking output line, used only in
conjunction with the CTS line. Optionally used by the scanner to signal
another device that data is available to send.
Synapse Mode: Synapse Data line. Signal is used to transmit data to
and from a Synapse host.
9 Beeper/Download I/O During normal operation this signal functions as an external beeper
drive line. This signal can sink 50mA of current to drive an external
beeper, and is normally pulled up. This signal is also used to begin
Flash Download operation when grounded externally during power up.
Table 8-1
Symbol MS3207 Electrical Interface (Continued)
Pin No. Pin Name Type* Function
*I = Input O = Output