13 - 8 Symbol MiniScan MSXX07 Series Integration Guide

Special Commands

Pause Duration

This parameter, along with the Send Pause parameter on page 13-29, inserts a pause in the data transmission. To
set the pause scan a two-digit number (i.e., two bar codes) representing a 0.1 second interval. For example, scan
bar codes 0 and 1 to insert a 0.1 second pause; 0 and 5 to insert a 0.5 second delay. See Numeric Bar Codes on
page 10-93. To correct an error or change a selection, scan Cancel on page 10-95.
Pause Duration

Begin New Rule

Scan the bar code below to start entering a new rule.
Begin New Rule

Save Rule

Scan the bar code below to save the rule.
Save Rule
End of Message
Table 13-1
ADF Bar Codes (Continued)
Parameter Page