5.Once you have completed the cloning process, turn the radios OFF and ON to exit the ‘cloning’ mode.
Note: If cloning fails please refer to “What to do if cloning fails” on page 57.
Further details on how to clone units are explained in the instructions sheet provided with the MUC.
When ordering the MUC please refer to P/N RLN6309. See accessories details on “Chargers” on page 86.
•Paired target radios and source radios must be of the same type in order for cloning to run successfully.
•(*) MUC pockets numbers should be read from left to right with the Motorola logo facing front.
Cloning Radios using the Radio to Radio (R2R) Cloning Cable (optional accessory)
Operating Instructions
Source Radio: Radio to be cloned.
Target Radio: Radio to which the configuration of the “Source Radio” will be copied (cloned).
1.Before beginning the cloning process, make sure you have:
•A fully charged battery on each one of the radios.
•Two Single Unit Chargers (SUC).