Scanning 2 - 9

Scanning in Hands-Free Mode
The optional Intellistand adds greater flexibility to scannin g operation.

Scanning in the Hands-Free Mode

When the scanner is seated in the stand’s “cup”, the scanner ’s built-in sensor places the scanner in hands-free
mode. When you remove the scanner from the stand it operates in its nor mal hand-held mode.
Figure 2-7
Inserting and Using the Scanner in the Stand
Intellistand operation:
1. Ensure all cable connections are secure.
2. Insert the scanner in the optional Intellistand by placing the front o f the scanner into the stand’s “cup” (see
Figure 2-7).
3. To scan a bar code, present the bar code and ensure the scan line crosses every bar and s pace of the symbol.
4. Upon successful decode, the scanner beeps and the LED turns green.
Holder (Front)