This section involves the connection of communications equipment to The Stick. You may configure the “hook up” of different types of equipment in a number of ways. Whatever suits your operational needs and your installation requirements!
Although each device port is labeled with generic titles designating what equipment would connect to what port, YOU CAN CONFIGURE IT ANY WAY YOU LIKE! Just be sure to read this section thoroughly before trying anything weird (that might not work).
The Stick has special features that make it work extremely well with either a PC FAX Card or a FAX machine. The feature that enables The Stick to route an incoming FAX call to your “FAX” type device is “FAX
Tone Detection”.
What’s a “FAX Tone”?
In a nutshell, most FAX machines generate a tone when they are operated “automatically”. Automatic generally means you just drop the paper(s) to be faxed in the document carriage, the machine loads it, the desired phone number is entered, you hit the “START” button and you’re done. The machine automatically dials the
number and begins emitting the tone (commonly known as CNG or