to factory preset. The Stick will answer with an “OK” tone followed immediately by a “PROCEED” tone. Dial “80” to save and exit.
3.2 An Overview of Programming
This is “the big picture” for how to program The Stick.
Being the good consumer you are, you’ve read the manual thoroughly (NOT!), penciling in the feature changes on your Programming and Quick Reference Guide. You call your mom (a local call) and ask her to lay the phone down for a moment while you program this neat new call processor you’ve just purchased. She says OK.
You’ve decided to reprogram the Security Access Code for the MODEM port, turn the “Unrestricted Manual Transfer” feature off and turn the “Pulse Detect” feature on.
1)Since five seconds has more than elapsed since you initiated the call to your mom, you can enter the programming mode. You dial " # # 7 7” on your touch tone phone connected to the “VOICE 1"' port.
The Stick Response: Answers with a “PROCEED” tone. The LED is blinking very rapidly. You have 30 seconds to begin the next command.
2)You change the SAC for the MODEM port to “007” by dialing 13007. “13” selects Register 13 (Security Access Code for MODEM port) and 007 is the new SAC.
The Stick Response: Answers with an “OK” tone, then a “PROCEED” tone. You have 30 seconds to begin the next command.
3)You change the “Unrestricted Manual Transfer” feature to “OFF” (factory preset “ON” ) by dialing 070. “07” selects Register 7 and " 0 " turns the feature off.
The Stick Response: Answers with an “OK” tone, then a “PROCEED” tone. You have 30 seconds to begin the next command.
4)You change the “Pulse Detect” feature to “ON” (factory preset “OFF”) by dialing 051. "05" selects Register 5 and "1" turns the feature on.
The Stick Response: Answers with an “OK” tone, then a “PROCEED” tone. You have 30 seconds to begin the next command.
5) You have finished programming the desired feature changes and wish to save them to nonvolatile memory and exit the programming mode.
11 You dial “80”.