. This is NOT rocket science.
the finest products on the market. And we are
serious about the information you need to make the product function correctly....
but we can’t get real serious about writing product manuals.
There are enough bad product manuals out there to sink an aircraft carrier. You’ve probably seen
Our humor or wit (or lack of either) in the rhetoric of this manual is not put here to lessen any aspect of the product except maybe the painful task of gettmg through some very dry material. Thanks.
Something You Should Know Now That You Have Purchased Our Product- Product
You are the most important person in the world and we at
The ultimate goal we, as a company, have targeted is your satisfaction. We want you as a customer and a commitment to your complete satisfaction AFTER THE SALE is our pledge. If at any time you have a problem, comment or question about The Stick (tm), its operation, functions or features - call us at 1 800 535 4651. We want to hear from you. And again, THANKS for the opportunity to do business with you. You are important to us.