Chapter 5: FaxFinder Client Software Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Admin User Guide 112
Suppose you had a list of potential customers exported to CSV format from an MS Excel spreadsheet
and, for each customer, there were 10 fields of data, including their names and fax numbers. To import
this information into the FaxFinder Address Book (which has 9 fields of data in an established order), you
would have to specify that each customer name and fax number from this CSV file gets transferred into
the Name and Fax Number fields of the FaxFinder Address Book. Other fields from the customer list
might fit into other FaxFinder Address Book fields, as well, but some fields may not fit.
To map the fields from the CSV file to the FaxFinder Address Book format, you create a custom template
file using the FaxFinder’s Template Mapping screen.