Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Admin User Guide 187
6. SMTP Error Code List Many messages now contain the last response from the email server. These error codes may be looked
up to give more details of exactly what occurred.
Error Message Explanation
Bad Mail Server Address The FaxFinder could not open a socket to the
email server, or could not resolve the name of the
email server.
Mail Server Connect Failed Authentication Error • The FaxFinder could not connect to the email
• The FaxFinder could not authenticate to the
email server.
• The User ID or password is incorrect or not
No reply from Email Server No reply was received from the email server when
trying to connect to it.
EHLO Error An error occurred during the EHLO request to the
email server - check the Hostname field.
Some email servers require a fully qualified
domain name to be provided upon connection.
MAILFROM Error An error occurred during the MAILFROM request
to the email server. Check the ‘From’ email
Send To Error An error occurred during the RECPTTO request to
the email server. Check the email address you are
sending to.
Some email servers do not allow redirecting email
CC Error An error occurred during the CC request to the
email server. Check the email addresses of any
‘carbon copied’ or secondary users.
Message Data Error An error occurred during the DATA or ENDDATA
request to the email server. This occurs while
sending the email message to the email server.
Error ending email An error occurred sending the QUIT request to the
email server. This is the last command sent.
Error opening attachment An error occurred opening the received fax or
other file to copy to the email server.
Error resolving email host name The FaxFinder could not resolve the hostname of
the email server.
Client Timeout A timeout occurred during communication with the
email server.