Chapter 4: FaxFinder Client Software Configuration
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Admin User Guide 67
FaxFinder Fax Client Software Menu Command Definitions FaxFinder Fax Client Software Menu Command Definitions
Command Name Values Description
File menu commands
Send Fax -- Brings up the FaxFinder Send Fax screen, the
first step in transmitting a fax message via the
FaxFinder system.
Pause Scheduler -- When you invoke the Pause Scheduler
command, any faxes currently pending will not
be sent and any fax transmissions attempted
while this command is in force will not be sent.
When the scheduler has been paused, you must
select Pause Scheduler to rescind the
command. That is to say, this command toggles
on and off when selected repeatedly.
If the computer is rebooted, the FaxFinder Fax
Client Software will cancel the Pause Scheduler
command at startup. Any faxes that had been
paused and left unsent when the computer was
turned off will be sent immediately when the
computer is turned on again.