Chapter1 Installingand Configuring the SCXI-119X
SCXI-1190/1191/1192User Manual 1-10
YourSCXI chassis and SCXI-119Xmodules are now configured in the
softwarewith your modules. Toconfigure the properties for a particular
module, perform the followings teps:
1. Expand Devices and Interfaces. Youcan see the chassis selected in
2. Expand Chassis.
3. Right-click the module you want to configurean d select Properties.
Tabsare displayed containing attributes for different properties of the
module.You can select any tab to see and/or change any attributes.
Manually Adding ModulesIfyou selected not to auto-detect your SCXI modules, you must add each
ofy our modules separately.
1. Click Finishin the SCXI Au to-Detect window.
2. ExpandDevices and Interfaces. You will see the chassis you selected
in the list.
3. Expand Chassis.
4. Right-clickthe slot that is cabled to your device and select Insert.For
DAQdevices this slot is the slot cabled to the DAQ device. Select the
module that is intended for that slot and click Next.
5. Youare now giventhe option to m akethis the modul et hat controls the
chassis.Select the DAQdevice or computer-based instrument you
cabled to the chassis using the Connected to: control. Confirmt hat
there isa check in t hech eckbox labeled This device will control the
chassisand clickNext .
6. Youare presented with a series of properties for the module. Select the
appropriatevalues for the attributes and click Next. After making your
selections, click Finish.
Youare now finished configuring the slot. Configure the rest of your
modulesin the samemanner.
Toremove a module or chassis, right-click on the chassis or module you
wantto remove and select Delete.
Totest the chassis configuration, right-click on the chassis and select Test.