Chapter 4 Analog Input
NI 6124/6154 User Manual 4-16 ni.com
Figure 4-9 shows the relationship of AI Sample Clock to AI Start Trigger.
Figure 4-9. AI Sample Clock and AI Start Trigger
AI Sample Clock Timebase SignalYou can route any of the following signals to be the AI Sample Clock
Timebase (ai/SampleClockTimebase) signal:
• 20 MHz Timebase
• 100 kHz Timebase
•RTSI <0..7>
• PFI<0..15>
• Analog Comparison Event (an analog trigger)
AI Sample Clock Timebase is not available as an output on the
I/O connector. AI Sample Clock Timebase is divided down to provide one
of the possible sources for AI Sample Clock. You can configure the polarity
selection for AI Sample Clock Timebase as either rising or falling edge.
AI Convert Clock SignalUse the AI Convert Clock (ai/ConvertClock) signal to initiate a single A/D
conversion on every channel.
You can specify either an internal or external signal as the source of
AIConvert Clock. You also can specify whether the measurement sample
begins on the rising edge or falling edge of AI Convert Clock.
AI Sample Clock Timebase
AI Start Trigger
AI Sample Clock