Chapter 7 Counters
NI 6124/6154 User Manual 7-6
condition is not met, consider using duplicate count prevention, described
in the Duplicate Count Prevention section.
For information about connecting counter signals, refer to the Default
Counter/Timer Pinouts section.
Period MeasurementIn period measurements, the counter measures a period on its Gate input
signal after the counter is armed. You can configure the counter to measure
the period between two rising edges or two falling edges of the Gate input
You can route an internal or external periodic clock signal (with a known
period) to the Source input of the counter. The counter counts the number
of rising (or falling) edges occurring on the Source input between the
twoactive edges of the Gate signal.
You can calculate the period of the Gate input by multiplying the period of
the Source signal by the number of edges returned by the counter.
Single Period MeasurementWith single period measurement, the counter counts the number of rising
(or falling) edges on the Source input occurring between two active edges
of the Gate input. On the second active edge of the Gate input, the counter
stores the count in a hardware save register and ignores other edges on the
Gate and Source inputs. Software then reads the stored count.
Figure7 -7 shows an example of a single period measurement.
Figure 7-7. Single Period Measurement
Counter Value
HW Save Re
1 0 3
4 5