IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual G-8
image enhancement The process of improving the quality of an image that you acquire from
asen sor in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, image contrast, edge definition,
and so on.
image file A file containing pixel data and additional information about the image.
image format Defines how an image is stored in a file. Usually composed of a header
followed by the pixel data.
image mask A binary image that isolates parts of a source image for further processing.
A pixel in the source image is processed if its corresponding mask pixel has
a non-zero value. A source pixel whose corresponding mask pixel has a
value of 0 is left unchanged.
image palette The gradation of colors used to display an image on screen, usually defined
by a CLUT.
image processing Encompasses various processes and analysis functions that you can apply
to an image.
image source The original input image.
imaging Any process of acquiring and displaying images and analyzing image data.
IMAQ Image Acquisition.
inner gradient Finds the inner boundary of objects.
inspection The process by which parts are tested for simple defects such as missing
parts or cracks on part surfaces.
inspection function Analyzes groups of pixels within an image and returns information about
the size, shape, position, and pixel connectivity. Typical applications
include quality of parts, analyzing defects, locating objects, and sorting
instrument driver A set of high-level software functions, such as NI-IMAQ, that control
specific plug-in computer boards. Instrument drivers are available in
several forms, ranging from a function callable from a programming
language to a VI in LabVIEW.
intensity The sum of the Red, Green, and Blue primary colors divided by three,
(Red+ Green + Blue)/3.