© National Instruments Corporation I-3 IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
error maps, learning, 6-8
examples (NI resources), A-1
external windows, displaying images, 2-7
extracting, planes of color images, 3-8
FFast Fourier Transform, 2-12
features, finding in images, 5-13
FFT, 2-12
grayscale features of an image, 2-11
images, 2-10
convolution, 2-11
highpass, 2-10
lowpass, 2-10
Nth order, 2-11
image features, 5-13
points using color location, 5-25
points using color pattern matching, 5-19
frequency domains, converting images, 2-12
function tree
IMAQ Machine Vision, 1-3
IMAQ Vision, 1-2
function types (table)
IMAQ Machine Vision, 1-3
IMAQ Vision, 1-2
center of energy for an image, 3-7
image statistics, 3-7
grayscale morphology, 2-11
grayscale statistics, measuring, 3-7
Hhelp, technical support, A-1
attenuation, 2-13
filters, 2-10
truncation, 2-13
holes, filling in particles, 4-3
Iidentifying, parts, 5-28
ignoring, learned colors, 3-13
image masks, defining, 3-6
image quality, 2-8
acquiring, 2-5
analyzing, 2-8
analyzing components, 3-7
applying LUTs, 2-10
attaching calibration information, 2-8
calibrating, 6-1
comparing color content, 3-9
computing the energy center, 3-7
computing the energy center of an ROI in
an image, 3-7
converting 2D arrays to images, 2-5, 2-7
creating, 2-2
creating binary images, 4-1
defining template images, 5-13
destination, 2-4
detecting edges, 5-9
displaying, 2-7
extracting planes, 3-8
filtering, 2-10
filtering grayscale features, 2-11
finding features, 5-13
getting statistics, 3-7
getting the center of energy, 3-7
ignoring learned colors, 3-13
improving, 2-9