© National Instruments Corporation I-5 IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
National Instruments support and
services, A-1
NI Vision Assistant, x
NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection, x
Nth order filter, 2-11
objects, 5-2
inspecting, 5-2
locating, 5-2
open operation, 4-3
opening, particles, 4-3
particle analysis, performing, 4-1
particles, 4-1
analyzing, 4-1
closing, 4-4
counting, 4-4
eroding, 4-3
filling holes, 4-3
measuring, 4-4
opening, 4-3
removing unwanted particles, 4-3
separating touching particles, 4-3
smoothing boundaries, 4-3
parts, identifying, 5-28
pattern matching
color score weight, 5-24
defining tolerances, 5-17
interpreting results, 5-19
minimum contrast, 5-18, 5-24
mode, 5-17
orientation, 5-17
selecting search strategies, 5-23
training color pattern matching
algorithm, 5-21
training the pattern matching
algorithm, 5-15
using color pattern matching, 5-19
PDF417 barcodes, reading, 5-31
machine vision inspection tasks, 5-1
particle analysis, 4-1
pixel coordinates, converting to real-world
coordinates, 5-26
points, finding using color location, 5-25
processing, components of color images, 3-7
programming examples (NI resources), A-1
1D barcodes, 5-30
characters, 5-29
data matrix barcodes, 5-30
images, 2-5
images from file, 2-6
PDF417 barcodes, 5-31
reference coordinate systems, defining, 6-3
regions of interest (ROIs). See ROIs
related documentation, x
removing, unwanted particles, 4-3
results, displaying, 5-31
defining, 3-1, 6-6
defining interactively, 3-1, 5-8
defining programmatically, 3-6, 5-9
rotating, 5-2
shifting, 5-2
rotating, ROIs, 5-2
samples, classifying, 5-28
saving, calibration information, 6-10
scaling factors, specifying, 6-6
scaling methods, setting, 6-8