Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start
© National Instruments Corporation 1-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux
The same functionality is available in victext with the vxiinreg
command. You can use help vxiinreg for the command’s parameter
You may now want to read the configuration registers from other VXI
devices in your system using the same procedure. The InReg operation
accesses only the upper 16 KB of A16 space. Try reading the registers from
one of the devices listed in the Resource Manager Display of vxiedit.
Inthis way, you can verify that your PCI-MXI-2 can access each device in
your VXI system successfully.
You can also access VXI and VME defines that are configured in A16, A24,
and A32 address spaces by using the In and Out operations in vic or the
vxiin or vxiout commands in victext.
Default SettingsThis section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for the
PCI-MXI-2 kit. If you need more information about a particular setting, or
if you want to try a different configuration, please refer to the appropriate
hardware or software chapters in this manual. The manual flowchart at the
beginning of this chapter directs you to where to find the information you
This section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for the
Table 1-1. PCI-MXI-2 Hardware Default Settings
Hardware Component Default Setting
U17 Switch 1 (FOV) OFF: PCI-MXI-2 boots off the
user-configured half of the EEPROM.
U17 Switch 2 (TST) OFF: Factory configuration of the
EEPROM is protected.
U17 Switch 3 (POS) OFF: Do not alter this setting.
U17 Switch 4 (CT) ON: Do not alter this setting.
DRAM SIMM Installed Per customer order