© National Instruments Corporation 7-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux
Using the NI-VXI/NI-VISA SoftwareThis chapter discusses programming information for you to consider when
developing applications that use the NI-VXI/NI-VISA driver.
After installing the driver software, you can begin to develop your
VXI/VME application software. Be sure to check the README file for the
latest application development notes.
You must run Resman each time the computer or chassis power is cycled so
that your application can access devices in the VXI or VME chassis.
The NI-VXI software was designed for use in VXI systems. Because VXI
is a superset of VME, you can also use the NI-VXI functions as a
comprehensive set of programming tools for VME systems. Refer to the
NI-VXI User Manual and the NI-VXI online help for overviews of NI-VXI
and detailed descriptions of the NI-VXI functions. The user manual is
available in the NIVXI/manuals directory (where NIVXI refers to the
actual location where you have installed the NI-VXI software). Use the
Acrobat Reader program to open and navigate through this manual. Notice
that the function descriptions indicate whether they apply to VXI only or
both VXI and VME. The following function classes apply only toVXI:
•Commander Word Serial Protocol functions
•Servant Word Serial Protocol functions
•VXI Signal functions
•VXI Trigger functions
Refer to the NI-VISA User Manual to learn about VISA and how to use
it inyour system . The NI-VISA online help describes the attributes,
events,and operations you can use in NI-VISA. The user manual is
available in the VXIpnp/linux/NIvisa/Manuals directory. Use the
Acrobat Reader program to open and navigate through this manual.