NI 6232/6233 User Manual I-4
data transfer methods, 11-3
changing, 11-4
DMA, 11-3
IRQ, 11-4
programmed I/O, 11-4
Declaration of Conformity (NI resources), C-1
default counter terminals, 7-31
cabling, 2-4
information, A-1
multiple synchronization, 10-3
specifications, 1-2
diagnostic tools (NI resources), C-1
analog input, troubleshooting, B-1
connection considerations, 4-13
connections for floating signal
sources, 4-15
connections for ground-referenced signal
sources, 4-14
connections for non-referenced signal
sources, 4-15
for floating signal sources, 4-15
for non-referenced signal sources, 4-15
input and output, 6-1
isolation, 9-2
isolators, 9-1
routing, 10-1
signals, connecting, 6-2, 8-6
source, triggering, 12-1
digital I/O
circuitry, 6-1
connecting signals, 6-2, 8-6
getting started with applications in
software, 6-4
I/O protection, 6-1, 8-5
programmable power-up states, 6-1, 8-6
triggering, 12-1
digital isolators, 4-2, 5-2
as a transfer method, 11-3
changing data transfer methods, 11-4
controllers, 11-1
conventions used in manual, xv
NI resources, C-1
related documentation, xvi
double-buffered acquisition, 4-10
drivers (NI resources), C-1
duplicate count prevention, 7-35
enabling in NI-DAQmx, 7-38
example, 7-37
troubleshooting, B-3
edge counting, 7-3
buffered, 7-4
non-cumulative buffered, 7-5
sample clock, 7-4
edge-separation measurement
buffered two-signal, 7-20
single two-signal, 7-19
enabling duplicate count prevention in
NI-DAQmx, 7-38
encoders, quadrature, 7-16
X1, 7-16
X2, 7-17
X4, 7-17
equivalent time sampling, 7-25
examples (NI resources), C-1
exporting timing output signals using PFI
terminals, 8-3
reference clock, 10-2
source mode, 7-40