NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 20
Supported C Series ModulesC Series Modules with No Configurable Options
The following lists the modules with no configurable options:
NI 9411
NI 9421
C Series Module Vendor Extensions
0x2000 0 U32 RNI C Series Vendor ID (for NI C Series modules,
equals 0x1093)
0x2001 0..N ARR: R/W Scan or command list
Channel direction control
Mode selection
0x2002 0 U32 R/W •Error status
Unipolar/bipolar control
Module configuration command
Module conversion rate control
0x2003 0 U32 R/W Error acknowledgement (or status)
0x2005 0 U8 R/W Refresh period
Conversion format
0x2100 0..N ARR: RCalibration data
0x3002 0 U32 RNumber of scans. This index reports the number of
conversions the module makes during the cycle. If
disable multiple scans is set in the NI 9144, the number
of scans is always 1.
R/W Safe data values that mirror the PDO data in
R/W Safe control values that mirror the SDO data in
Table 3. Module Vendor Extensions (Continued)
Index Sub Type R/W Description