NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 36
NI 9217 Conversion Speed Control
The NI 9217 converts at two pre-defined rates, as controlled by the speed
control field.
Note The conversion rate assumes that 4 channels are in the scan list.
NI 9217 Scan List
The scan list channel codes consist of three bit fields in a 32-bit entry.
Bits 15..8 describe the data offset to store a conversion at time t, and
bits 7..0 describe the conversion control codes that take effect
0x2100 0 ARR:U32 Calibration = 16
1 R Ch0 Offset
2 R Ch0 Gain
3 R Ch1 Offset
... ... ...
8 R Ch3 Gain
9 R External Ch0 Offset
... ... ...
Table 27. NI 9217 Conversion Speed Control
Speed Control Meaning Conversion Rate
31 (0x1F) High-Accuracy 200 ms/channel (800 ms total)
2 (0x02) High-Speed 2.5 ms/channel (10 ms total)
Table 28. NI 9217 Scan List Format
Bits Field
31:16 Reserved
15:8 Data Offest[t]
7:0 Convert Code[t+1]
Table 26. NI 9217 Vendor Configuration Extensions (Continued)
Index Sub Type R/W Description