NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 22
NI 9201/9221 Scan List
The scan list channel codes consist of two bit fields in a 32-bit entry.
Bits 23..16 describe the data offset to store a conversion at time t, and
bits 7..0 describe the conversion control code that takes effect
two conversions in the future, at time t+2. On the NI 9201/9221, this
conversion code is a bit flag where bit 0 represents a conversion on channel
0, through bit 7 for channel 7.
So, for example, the scan list entry 0x00010008 indicates this scan stores
at address 1, and the conversion two in the future is channel 3 (bit 3 set = 8).
Table6 contains the default scan list.
Table 5. NI 9201/9221 Scan List Format
Bits Field
31:24 = 0
23:16 Data Offset[t]
15:8 = 0
7:0 Convert Flag[t+2]
Table 6. NI 9201/9221 Default Scan List
Index Sub Type Val ue
0x2001 0 ARR:U32 9
1 8
2 0x00000004
3 0x00010008
4 0x00020010
5 0x00030020
6 0x00040040
7 0x00050080
8 0x00060001
9 0x00070002