© National Instruments Corporation 43 NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications
NI 9219 Configuration Command
Whether you are using the channel or not, you must configure the
Conversion Time, Mode, Range, and Calibration Gain/Offset values for
each channel on the NI 9219.
Note You must first send calibration gain and offset values in MSB format. The
Conversion Time value must be the same across all channels.
Table 37. NI 9219 Scan List Format
Bits Field
7:6 Channel Number, 0..3
5= 0
4:0 Configuration Type
Table 38. NI 9219 Conversion Time Value
Configuration Type Valu e
Conversion Time 0x1F
Mode & Range 0x01
Calibration Offset 2 (LSB) 0x06
Calibration Offset 1 0x05
Calibration Offset 0 (MSB) 0x04
Calibration Gain 2 (LSB) 0x0A
Calibration Gain 1 0x09
Calibration Gain 0 (MSB) 0x08