NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 52
NI 9234As a DSA module, the NI 9234 does not synchronize to other modules and
free-runs at its own fixed rate.
NI 9234 Configure Module
The NI 9234 has a variety of configuration fields available. Configuration
bits 15:8 control the channel mode, while bits 7:0 set the conversion rate.
Table 46. NI 9234 Vendor Configuration Extensions
Index Sub Type R/W Description
0x2002 0 U32 R/W Configure Module, default = 0x06
0x2100 0 ARR:U32 —Calibration = 16
1 R Ch0 Offset
2 R Ch0 Gain
3 R Ch0 Offset
... ... ...
8 R Ch3 Gain
9 R External Ch0 Offset
... ... ...
Table 47. NI 9234 Scan List Format
Bits Field
15 Ch3 IEPE
14 Ch3 AC/~DC
13 Ch2 IEPE
12 Ch2 AC/~DC
11 Ch1 IEPE
10 Ch1 AC/~DC
8Ch0 AC/~DC