NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 62
NI 9265NI 9265 Error Status
Each channel has open loop detection circuitry that reports an error
whenever the load is disconnected and the current is set to a value higher
than 0 mA.
NI 9265 Calibration Data
The NI 9265 has four channels with a nominal range of 0 to 20.675 mA.
Each channel has an associated LSB weight, which is the number of volts
per bit, and an offset, which is the number of volts per bit measured when
the inputs are grounded.
Note LSB weight is referred to as Gain in the object dictionary.
The calibration data is stored in a U32 array, though each Offset field
(subindex 1, 3, 5, and so on) should be interpreted as a signed value.
Table 60. NI 9265 Vendor Configuration Extensions
Index Sub Type R/W Description
0x2002 1 ARR:U32 RError Status,
sent as 8-bit PDO
0x2100 0 ARR:U32 —Calibration = 16
1 R Ch0 Offset
2 R Ch0 Gain
3 R Ch1 Offset
... —
8 R Ch3 Gain
9 R External Ch0
... —
Table 61. NI 9265 Scan List Format
Coefficient Representation Units
LSB Weight Unsigned pA/LSB
Offset Signed pA