NI 9144 User Guide and Specifications 64

NI 9403 Direction Control

The direction control field has one bit for each I/O pin, with bit 0 matching
channel 0, and so forth. 0 in the direction control indicates that I/O is an
input; 1 indicates an output.
Note Both the input and output data is transmitted in the PDO regardless of the direction
control; only the relevant bits are connected to the I/O pins.
NI 9476

NI 9476 Error Status

If a channel over-current occurs on any of the 32 channels, the
corresponding bit in error status field is set to inform the user.
Table 65. NI 9476 Vendor Configuration Extensions
Index Sub Type R/W Description
0x2002 0 U32 RError Status,
sent as 8-bit PDO
0x2003 0 U32 WError