NI PXIe-6672 User Manual G-2
backplane An assembly, typically a printed circuit board (PCB), with connectors and
signal paths that bus the connector pins.
bus The group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a
computer. Typically, a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or other
devices are connected. An example of a PC bus is the PCI bus.
CLKIN CLKIN is a signal connected to the SMB input pin of the same name.
CLKIN can serve as PXI_CLK10_IN or be used as a phase lock reference
for the OCXO.
CLKOUT CLKOUT is the signal on the SMB output pin of the same name. Either
the OCXO clock or PXI_CLK10 can be routed to CLKOUT.
clock Hardware component that controls timing for reading from or writing to
CompactPCI A Eurocard configuration of the PCI bus for industrial applications.
D/A digital-to-analog
DAC digital-to-analog converter—an electronic device that converts a digital
number into a corresponding analog voltage or current.
DAQ Data acquisition—(1) collecting and measuring electrical signals from
sensors, transducers, and test probes or fixtures and inputting them to a
computer for processing; (2) collecting and measuring the same kinds of
electrical signals with A/D and/or DIO devices plugged into a computer,
and possibly generating control signals with D/A and/or DIO devices in the
same computer.