Chapter 10


Most functions allow you to configure the polarity of PFI inputs and whether the input is edge or level sensitive.

Exporting Timing Output Signals Using PFI Terminals

You can route any of the following timing signals to any PFI output terminal.

AI Convert Clock*

AI Hold Complete Event

AI Reference Trigger

AI Sample Clock

AI Start Trigger

AO Sample Clock*

AO Start Trigger

Counter n Source

Counter n Gate

Counter n Internal Output

Frequency Output

Note Signals with a * are inverted before being driven to a terminal; that is, these signals are active low.

Using PFI Terminals as Static Digital I/Os

Each input PFI line can be individually configured as a static digital input, called P0.x. Each output PFI line can be individually configured as a static digital output, called P1.x.

Connecting PFI Input Signals

All PFI input connections are referenced to D GND. Figure 10-3shows this reference, and how to connect an external PFI 0 source and an external PFI 2 source to two PFI terminals.

© National Instruments Corporation


NI USB-621x User Manual