Chapter 5 Connecting AI Signals on the USB-6210/6211 Devices

Using Differential Connections for Floating Signal Sources

It is important to connect the negative lead of a floating source to AI GND (either directly or through a bias resistor). Otherwise, the source may float out of the maximum working voltage range of the NI-PGIA and the DAQ device returns erroneous data.

The easiest way to reference the source to AI GND is to connect the positive side of the signal to AI+ and connect the negative side of the signal to AI GND as well as to AI– without using resistors. This connection works well for DC-coupled sources with low source impedance (less than 100 Ω).


Floating +

Signal V

Source s




<100 Ω



Figure 5-1.Differential Connections for Floating Signal Sources without Bias Resistors

However, for larger source impedances, this connection leaves the DIFF signal path significantly off balance. Noise that couples electrostatically onto the positive line does not couple onto the negative line because it is connected to ground. This noise appears as a DIFF-mode signal instead of a common-mode signal, and thus appears in your data. In this case, instead of directly connecting the negative line to AI GND, connect the negative line to AI GND through a resistor that is about 100 times the equivalent source impedance. The resistor puts the signal path nearly in balance, so that about the same amount of noise couples onto both connections, yielding better rejection of electrostatically coupled noise. This configuration does not load down the source (other than the very high input impedance of the NI-PGIA).

© National Instruments Corporation


NI USB-621x User Manual