when to use with ground-referenced signal sources, 5-11
related documentation, xiv
retriggerable single pulse generation, 9-21routing
digital, 12-1 RSE configuration, 5-9RSE connections
using with floating signal sources, 5-9 when to use with floating signal
sources, 5-3
when to use with ground-referenced signal sources, 5-11
sample clock, 9-32 edge counting, 9-3
scanning speed, 4-8semi-period measurement, 9-9
buffered, 9-9 single, 9-9
sensors, 2-3settings
analog input ground-reference,4-3 signal conditioning, 2-3
signal descriptions, 3-1signal sources
floating, 5-3ground-referenced,5-9
Signal Stream, USB, 13-1signals
AI Convert Clock, 4-16
AI Convert Clock Timebase, 4-20 AI Hold Complete Event, 4-21 AI Pause Trigger, 4-23
AI Reference Trigger, 4-22 AI Sample Clock, 4-14
AI Sample Clock Timebase, 4-16 AI Start Trigger, 4-21
analog input, 4-11
analog output, 7-5 AO Pause Trigger, 7-6 AO Sample Clock, 7-7
AO Sample Clock Timebase, 7-8 AO Start Trigger, 7-5 connecting analog input, 5-1,6-1 connecting analog output, 7-4 connecting digital I/O, 8-3 connecting PFI input, 10-3Counter n A, 9-28
Counter n Aux, 9-27Counter n B, 9-28Counter n Gate, 9-27Counter n HW Arm, 9-28Counter n Internal Output, 9-29Counter n Source, 9-26Counter n TC, 9-29
Counter n Up_Down, 9-28Counter n Z, 9-28 counters, 9-25
exporting timing output using PFI terminals, 10-3
FREQ OUT, 9-29 Frequency Output, 9-29 minimizing output glitches, B-3 output, minimizing glitches on, 7-2
simple pulse generation, 9-20single
period measurement, 9-7 point edge counting, 9-2 pulse generation, 9-20
retriggerable, 9-21 with start trigger, 9-20
pulse-width measurement, 9-5semi-period measurement, 9-9two-signaledge-separation
measurement, 9-18single-ended connections
RSE configuration, 5-9single-ended connections for floating signal
sources, 5-9