NI WLS/ENET-9163 Carrier User Guide and Specifications 18
Analog Input
To perform analog input measurements, insert a supported analog input
C Series I/O module into the NI WLS/ENET-9163 carrier. The
measurement specifications, such as number of channels, channel
configuration, sample rate, and gain, are determined by the type of C Series
I/O module used. For more information and wiring diagrams, refer to the
documentation included with your C Series I/O modules.

Analog Input Triggering

A trigger is a signal that causes an action, such as starting or stopping the
acquisition of data. When you configure a trigger, you must decide how
you want to produce the trigger and the action you want the trigger to cause.
The NI WLS/ENET-9000 Series device supports internal software
triggering and external digital triggering.
Three triggers are available: AI Start Trigger Signal, AI Reference Trigger
Signal, and AI Pause Trigger Signal.

AI Start Trigger Signal

Use the AI Start Trigger (ai/StartTrigger) signal to begin a measurement
acquisition. A measurement acquisition consists of one or more samples. If
you do not use triggers, begin a measurement with a software command.
Once the acquisition begins, configure the acquisition to stop in one of the
following ways:
When a certain number of points is sampled (in finite mode)
With a software command (in continuous mode)
An acquisition that uses a start trigger is sometimes referred to as a
posttriggered acquisition. That is, samples are measured only after the
Using a Digital Source
To use ai/StartTrigger with a digital source, specify a source and an edge.
NI-DAQmx can provide an internal start trigger or PFI 0 may be used.
Refer to the Device Routing in MAX topic in the NI-DAQmx Help or the
LabVIEW Help in version 8.0 or later for more information.